The Nesin Mathematics, Art, and Philosophy Villages encompass a small campus of about 13.5 acres, approximately 7.5 of which are olive groves. Owned by the Nesin Foundation since 1973, it is located in the North Aegean, Şirince, İzmir. Perched on a hillside and brimming with greenery, it is a sanctuary where both the young and old learn, teach, and contemplate arts and science in serene isolation. Unassuming and humble, the houses constructed of rock, straw, and clay exude a warm, inviting ambiance.
The Village offers a democratizing platform, assembling diverse groups from various socioeconomic classes, ethnicities, political beliefs, and religions. Individuals from all corners of our nation and beyond, with different disciplines and backgrounds, come together to think, work, and express themselves collectively.
It is also an academic center where science and art studies are conducted. It operates without a profit motive. Participants of the programs conducted here stay in the village and, besides their studies, help with the village's daily chores, thus taking ownership of the village.

Welcome to the Station, in other words;
Nesin Villages Assosiation.
As villagers at The Station, we experiment with creative commons and decentralized actions.

At Station, we see common spaces for their liberating potential; we conduct research and experiment by creating temporary communities, gathering different social groups under the same roof, and designing collaboration networks.
Köyü, yönettiğimiz sanatsal ve kültürel projeler aracılığıyla tarihimiz ve olası geleceklerimizin kolektif bir keşfi ve deney platformu olarak kullanıyoruz. Merkezsiz, özerk bir topluluk deneyi olarak eşitlik, eğitim, ekoloji, sanat ve hibrit organizasyon yapıları üzerine odaklanıyoruz.
Amacımız, genç sanatçılar ve araştırmacılar için açık alanlar oluşturmak, üretim kaynaklarını erişilebilir kılmak ve yeni diyalogların gelişmesine olanak sağlamaktır.