Nesin Villages, which spent the past two years in the shadow of the pandemic, was closed to visitors, perhaps for the first time in its history.
When we started to see the effects of the pandemic for the first time, The Village accepted students with a very limited capacity in the summer of 2020 and continued its existence with a teaching model in which the lessons were broadcast live on various platforms.
Lessons, attended by a small number of students physically and followed online by students who could not come to the Village, were added to the YouTube account of Nesin Mathematics Village at the end of the summer, creating an unprecedented archive.
The Village, which is quite crowded during the winter months under normal conditions and hosts special programs and schools, spent the winter of 2021 in great silence. During this period, the inhabitants of the Village were Ali Nesin's approximately twenty students, most of whom were from Bilgi University, and Village workers. We were accompanied by those who watched the lectures broadcast live every morning on their screens.
With the arrival of summer and the decision to accept a small number of students in the Village, the Village slowly started to come to life again. Although the 2021 summer schools, which were held with a limited number of participants, were very productive, we miss the days before the pandemic, where we saw a student at every corner and the infinite food lines; As of this summer, we are getting ready to go back to those days. We have published our summer school programs, including the ones we postponed due to the pandemic.
Our math programs are better known for their steadiness over the years, so we wanted to talk a little bit about our art programs in this article.
Our philosophy programs are so diverse this year that we couldn't give details about all of them due to lack of space, we shared the titles that we believe will excite you.

What will happen in Nesin Art Village?
Ertan Yılmaz Cinema Summer School, which has become one of the main programs of the Village, the sixth of which we organized, will be run by five valuable trainers under the coordination of Ufuk Tambaş between 18-23 July.
Geray Gençer, the designer we will host for the second time in the Village after a pandemic break, will be in the Village this time with Pınar Akkurt for the Design Workshop between 1-6 August.
Artists Aysel Alver and Rebuar Rezzak Ilge, who will be with us for the second time as well, will run the Pattern and Paper Sculpture Workshop between August 22 and September 2.
Among the programs of the Village this summer, there are four different architecture programs under two headings. Aslıhan Şenel, Öykü Şimşek, Elif Adıgüzel and Oral Göktaş, Sevince Bayrak are the directors of the “Architecture Summer School: Alternative Practices” program that will take place on July 25-30. The name of our second program is “Architecture Summer School: In Search of Object and Thing”. Can Gündüz, Bilge Demirtaş, Osman Şişman, Eser Öykü Dede and Yelta Köm, Elif Çak will be our co-directors in this workshop on 18-23 July with the contributions of our guest trainers Hakan Atay and Graham Harman.

Nesin Felsefe Köyü Programlarımız
Antropoloji Yazokulu
Yaklaşımlar, Desenler ve Teknikler:
Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma
Wittgenstein Yazokulu
Liseler için Felsefe Yazokulu
Bilim Tarihi ve Felsefesi Yazokulu
Kant Haftası
Felsefe ve Müzik Bağlamında
Thomas Mann Haftası
Kant ve Sonrası
Sosyoloji Yazokulu
Sanat Felsefesi Yazokulu
Psikoloji Bilimi Yazokulu
Göç ve Uyuma Eleştirel Yaklaşımlar

Son olarak, tüm programlarımızla ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiye www.nesinkoyleri.org adresinden ulaşabileceğinizi hatırlatalım.
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